Rosa luminaires

Rosa luminaires use advanced LED technology to support horticultural research efforts at any scale. Rosa offers a high output ideal for laboratory research and features a wide range of available wavebands, each of which can be controlled individually. This granular control makes Rosa an ideal tool for plant physiologists to optimize photosynthesis and research plant response based on spectral change.

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Advanced color science

Each standard Rosa luminaire contains eight colored light sources and optionally two additional white light sources. The advanced technology accomplishes unprecedented flexibility in spectrum while creating extreme homogeneity and evenness of field across your growing area. With Rosa’s reliable output of spectral energy, growers can achieve greater consistency in plant quality, growth, texture, taste, and nutritional value.

In addition to the standard versions of Rosa, luminaires with custom spectral recipes are available, including supplementary broadband light sources for both human observation and enhanced photosynthetic effect.


Up to eleven wavebands

See the below examples of color-mixing capabilities in two different Rosa models.




Reliable control & flawless dimming

Rosa uses DMX-RDM Remote Device Management for remote configuration and addressing, eliminating the need to set local controls at the luminaire. Daisy-chaining capabilities simplify your installations while driving down costs.

Achieve stepless dimming from 0 to 100 percent with Rosa luminaires. Each channel has high-resolution digital dimming with better than 1 percent accuracy and repeatability.

RAYN uses industry standard protocols in its fixtures and controls, allowing you to incorporate a wide range of tools in your system. Customize your package with multiple fixture types that work cohesively under one control solution.


Rosa research luminaires:
Lighting tools you can depend on

Rosa is designed to meet the unique needs of a range of growing environments. These luminaires prioritize both precision and customization to ensure a smooth and stable research process.



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